Tuesday, November 01, 2011
The “99%”
Don't make me laugh. The whining spoiled brats of America's Occupy Wall Street crowd actually think that their hodge-podge of leftist stew represents 99% of what American's believe – pleeeeaze.
As usual, this crowd is demanding XY and Z with no regard for what actual fellow citizens want. While fellow citizens may have gripes with Wall Street, most are probably okay with our capitalist system (even though it's actually become a mixed system with increasing government control and collaboration). We can, of course find out what people really think on election day. I doubt if the Communist party or it's many socialist variations are going to be getting 99% of the vote (as they often do in Communist countries – where no one else is allowed to run).
My advice to these clowns; they can vote – even for communists if they choose. Then again, it may just be possible that they're really not the “99%” but just another extremist clique' seeking to impose their deluded will upon everyone else – that certainly wouldn't be a new thing.
(p.s. I'm well aware the exception. Not everyone at these demonstrations is without good cause to protest. Ironically, the Tea Parties were the first to protest the Obama – Democrats' collaborations with Wall Street and were merely mocked by the press for it. Exceptions aside, it's clear what mentality is dominating these groups; it's the pathological crowd we've seen whenever the closet authoritarian thinks his time has come)